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Quick Tips for Submitting Your Abstract

Putting the finishing touches on your abstract submission.

Submit your science by the February 12, 2024 deadline!

We hope to see you and your science at the ultimate nutrition experience – NUTRITION 2024!

Click the button below to start your submission on the abstract submission site. Scroll for quick tips on submitting your abstract.

Presenting your research at NUTRITION 2024 is an excellent opportunity to advance your career, expand your professional network, and make a meaningful impact on the field of nutrition. Submit your unpublished research in the form of abstracts for presentation at NUTRITION 2024 by February 12, 2024. Be among the best and latest interdisciplinary science that is advancing the field of nutrition.

Presenting your research at NUTRITION 2024 is an excellent opportunity to advance your career, expand your professional network, and make a meaningful impact on the field of nutrition. 

Quick Tips for Submitting Your Abstract

What is an Abstract?

  • Describes an unpublished research study, method, protocol, or case study.
  • Presents complex information in a clear, concise manner.

Why Submit?

  • Communicate your work to others.
  • Get recognition through ASN’s many abstract awards programs.
  • Meet new collaborators.


  • Try to develop a title that is concise and creative. 


  • The first part of your abstract is the study’s objective or aim – or your hypothesis. What gap is your research filling?  


  • Next, provide a clear, concise description of what you did to get your results.  


  • Clearly state your results. What did the study find?  
  • Saying that “results will be presented at the meeting” is not acceptable. One caveat: An abstract focused on a method or protocol may not have results – and that is ok. 
  • Tables or figures cannot be submitted with an abstract. 


  • State conclusions that are reflective of your data and supported by analysis.
  • Discuss any practical implications or review the significance or novelty of the research.  


  • Your abstract will be reviewed and rated on four key parts – Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions. 
  • Your abstract must be no more than 2,000 characters – not including spaces.  
  • Make sure your abstract reads well and has no typos.  
  • Ask a colleague to review it before you submit.  

Funding Sources 

  • You will also be asked to provide the funding sources – the organizations, institutions, or agencies – for the research included in the abstract.  
  • Grant numbers should not be included in the abstract as this could impact the efficacy of a blinded abstract review process. 

Do yourself a favor and get familiar with the NUTRITION 2024 abstract submission site now!

  • Create an account, log in and check out the site.  
  • You will need to provide the names, institutions,  countries, and email addresses of any co-authors.
  • No need this year to provide their full mailing address and/or phone numbers. 

More Information

The American Society for Nutrition welcomes the submission of unpublished research in the form of abstracts for presentation at NUTRITION 2024.

  • Share your research with the greatest minds in nutrition science
  • Meet new collaborators and funders
  • Publish your work in an ASN Journal
  • Network with peers in academia, industry, and government
  • Become eligible for abstract-based Award Competitions and Awards

Abstracts can include:

  • New research: Unpublished research and/or secondary analysis of data
  • Methods: Newly established or characterized methods, or evaluations of existing methods
  • Protocols: Descriptions of proposed studies, or recruitment and process results of newly started studies
  • Case study: A clinical vignette or case report is a means of disseminating new knowledge gained from clinical practice

NEW this year! The President’s Oral Session: Abstracts of Distinction will spotlight innovative, impactful research that is advancing the field of nutrition research and practice. All abstracts submitted to NUTRITION 2024 will be considered for this prestigious session.

Key Dates

  • Abstract submission opens: November 1, 2023 
  • Abstract submission deadline: February 12, 2024, 11:59 PM ET 
  • Abstract acceptance notifications sent: March 11, 2024 
  • Abstract programming assignments sent: April 1, 2024 

Visit for complete submission guidelines and instructions, and more! Please contact with any questions.