Save the date for NUTRITION 2025 in Orlando, FL! May 31 – June 3, 2025

Promotional Toolkit for Partners, Attendees, and Supporters

A homecoming for the nutrition community in Boston, MA! Use these resources to help spread the excitement and information with your networks.

How to Stay Up To Date

To stay up to date on all the latest NUTRITION 2023 news, make sure you are opted-in to receiving emails from the American Society for Nutrition and are following us on all social media platforms:

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ASN ConnectASN’s Member-Only Platform

Show us what you are looking forward to most by tagging us on your preferred social media platform and using the #Nutrition2023 hashtag.

Sample Templates

Download prepared NUTRITION 2023 sample templates you can use for emails, newsletters, blogs, social media and more on the following topics:

RegistrationSample Email | Sample Newsletter/Blog | Sample Social Media

ProgramComing Soon!


Presentation Slide Promoting NUTRITION 2023 Registration (Click on desired file type below to download)

PowerPoint | PDF | PNG

LinkedIn Background photo (Click on graphic to download)

Social Media Posts Promoting Abstract Submission (Click on graphic to download)

Fast Facts + Talking Points


The American Society for Nutrition’s (ASN’s) annual meeting, NUTRITION 2023, will take place in Boston, MA, July 22-25, 2023. NUTRITION 2023 is the premier meeting for the nutrition community, exploring developments in clinical and translational nutrition, food science and systems, diet and disease, basic science, global health, and more. Join us for 3.5 exciting days in Boston where clinicians, policy experts, industry, and the media come together to network and learn. 


The American Society for Nutrition’s inaugural annual flagship meeting, NUTRITION, was held in Boston, MA in 2018, making it the ideal destination for a NUTRITION homecoming. Join us July 22-25 to celebrate the return of an invigorating, inspiring, and educational gathering of the nutrition community.  

NUTRITION 2023 will convene top researchers, practitioners, global and public health professionals, policymakers and advocacy leaders, industry, media, and other related professionals to advance nutrition science and its practical application. NUTRITION 2023 also is a “must attend” event for rising leaders in the field – postdoctoral fellows and undergraduate, graduate, and medical students. 

This year’s program will offer the ground-breaking, valuable research you’ve come to expect from the pre-eminent nutrition meeting featuring:

  • Scientific symposia and educational sessions
  • Original research studies presented in oral and poster sessions and flash talks  
  • Award lectures delivered by distinguished leaders  
  • Professional and career development opportunities   
  • Special sessions and events planned by ASN’s vibrant scientific communities known as Groups Engaging Members (GEMs)  
  • Opportunities to network and engage with members of the nutrition community from around the globe   
  • Access to the latest technology, services, and products 

NUTRITION 2023 is an in-person conference without a concurrent virtual component.  The focus on the in-person event ensures that those who attend will have the best possible experience. As always, ASN will offer selected content on demand after the event.  


Registration for NUTRITION 2023 is open! Reconnect with the nutrition community in Boston, MA, July 22-25, 2023, for the premier nutrition science meeting. Once you register, you will have access to reserve housing within ASN’s official hotel block. For the best rates and selection, register early. 

Following three years of virtual meetings, NUTRITION 2023 offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Reconnect in-person with top experts in the field
  • Expand your network and meet new collaborators
  • Access the latest science

Join leading researchers, practitioners, global and public health professionals, policy makers, advocacy leaders, industry, media, and others for NUTRITION 2023 in Boston, July 22-25. Register now ( or learn more ( today.

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