Highlights from Nutrition 2022 Live Online

NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE returned June 14-16, with the great science, collaboration and inspiration you’ve come to expect – in an all-virtual format for maximum accessibility and convenience. Plus, in addition to the 2.5 day event, NUTRITION 2022 brings you year-long learning through various formats.

Get the highlights and news here!

Did you miss the event? Register now to get access to most recorded content through December 31, 2022. And mark your calendar for more upcoming events as part of NUTRITION 2022!

Thank you for joining us this week!

Listen to a special message from ASN’s Incoming President, Dr. Martha Belury:

Press Releases & Updates from ASN

In the News

Americans Think They Eat Healthier Than They Really Do | US News

Bitter or Savory, Taste Genes Could Influence Your Diet | Health Daily News

Sen. Braun introducing legislation for upcoming conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health | Network Indiana

Plant-Based Diet May Help Keep Breast Cancer Away | US News

Most people think their diet is healthier than it is | ScienceDaily

Do our genes determine what we eat? | ScienceDaily

Study reveals how acculturation affects the dietary patterns of non-U.S.-born adolescents | News Medical

Are ultra-processed foods harmful? Experts present their argument | Times of Oman

The debate over ultraprocessed foods: Should they be incorporated in dietary guidelines? | Healio

More Information and Opportunities

ASN plans to nominate highly qualified ASN members to serve on the DGAC! Please send sohlhorst@nutrition.org the names of individuals for ASN consideration.

Click here to share your input on policy recommendations for the upcoming White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.

Share your experiences! Click here to access the Social Media Toolkit for NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE.

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