Support an ASN Foundation Fund or Program

The ASN Foundation relies on annual contributions to achieve its mission. Learn how you can contribute.

Funds and Areas of Need

Activities of the ASN Foundation (where most needed) 

Annual donations help support the tremendous work of the ASN Foundation, providing critical resources to sustain and grow its impact, supplement other areas of need, and respond to opportunities and challenges as they arise.

DJPJ Trainee Achievement Awards Fund

Dr. Doug J. Paddon-Jones (“DJPJ”), Professor and Sheridan Lorenz Distinguished Professor in Aging and Health at the University of Texas Medical Branch, was a leading expert in the field of dietary protein, muscle metabolism, and aging. An active member of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), Doug received the Vernon Young International Award for Amino Acid Research in 2006. He also presented frequently at ASN meetings, served as an abstract reviewer, and was active within activities of the Energy and Macronutrient Metabolism Research Interest Group. After his abrupt death in 2021, a fund was established to honor his commitment to young investigator research in the areas of dietary protein, muscle metabolism, and healthy aging annually recognizing one graduate student and one postdoctoral fellow for outstanding research related to dietary protein, muscle metabolism, and/or healthy aging.

Nevin Scrimshaw Mid-Career Award Endowment Fund

ASN’s Global Nutrition Council established this fund in 2017 to support an annual mid-career award to recognize and reward individuals who are doing innovative work to advance the field. This award is named in honor of Dr. Scrimshaw’s extraordinary career dedicated to the alleviation of hunger and malnutrition. This was partially funded through a generous donation by the Sight and Life Foundation, however additional matching donations are needed to complete the establishment of the Endowment.

Friends of ASN Fellows Tribute Fund

Established in 2017 at the request of ASN members, this fund is a way to make tribute gifts in honor of luminaries in the nutrition field who have passed. ASN members and friends of the Society are invited to make a contribution in honor of these preeminent leaders, researchers, clinicians and educators in our field.

Jean-Pierre Habicht Lifetime Achievements in Global Nutrition Award Lecture Fund

This award honors lifetime achievements in international nutrition research to benefit populations in non-industrialized countries. Nominations should describe the nominee’s contributions to research, as demonstrated through peer-reviewed publications, and training new scientists for international nutrition research. Nominees must be a member of the Global Nutrition Council. (Formerly called the Kellogg Award for Lifetime Achievements in International Nutrition Research.) Dr. Jean-Pierre Habicht was the first scientist to receive this award. Dr. Habicht’s contributions to global nutrition are unparalleled in their importance and influence. He has advanced global nutrition through his conceptual thinking, methodological developments, conduct of innovative research, training of a large cadre of excellent scientists, and superb leadership in collaboration with many institutions. Donations are needed to fully endow this award.

The Journal of Nutrition’s Teresa Davis Award Fund (NEW)

Awarded to outstanding nutrition research related to protein and amino acid metabolism and growth published in The Journal of Nutrition.  In recognition of Dr. Teresa Davis’ outstanding leadership as Editor in Chief of The Nutrition of Nutrition from 2014 through 2023 and her excellent contribution to the field of growth and protein nutrition. Donations to this fund will help establish this new award in 2024 with the inaugural Journal of Nutrition Teresa Davis Award winner announced in 2025.

Young Investigator Pilot Grants Fund

Annual research grants for preliminary or pilot phases of young investigators’ research projects will be available through this new fund. Donations will support their efforts to address focused research questions, obtain preliminary data to support larger grant proposals in the future, and develop a line of research that can be carried forward into an academic career.


Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) in Nutrition and Health Sciences

ASN Foundation’s funding initiative to support underrepresented groups in our field.

To advance the science, education, and practice of nutrition it will take the entire nutrition community.

“On behalf of the ASN Board of Directors, I ask for your support of the ASN Foundation’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) fundraising campaign. Your generous donations will provide resources to support ASN’s commitment to making a difference.”

Kevin Shalinske, PhD
President, American Society for Nutrition

Help us break down barriers.

Donate Now

Help us expand our reach! It is only through charitable donations that the ASN Foundation can provide critical resources and opportunities not funded through ASN member dues.

Over the past year, generous donors have contributed to:

  • 78 individuals received financial assistance to attend NUTRITION 2023 through registration waivers, discounted registration, and family support grants.
  • 20 scholarships awarded to underrepresented groups including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), first-generation college students, and individuals with a disability.
  • 46 abstract submission waivers, giving investigators a chance to share their research.
  • Over $10,000 awarded to young investigators underrepresented in nutrition award competition and undergraduate diversity research fellowships.
  • Much needed Awards and Scholarships to the diverse spectrum of ASN members from students to lifelong investigators, including the first Pilot Grants for early career nutrition members.
  • The launch of ASN’s online learning platform DiscoverNUTRITION – allowing ASN to offer more free webinars, and greater online resources for members and those in need.
  • The expansion of ASN’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion to now include “Accessibility”, providing even greater opportunities in years ahead to support nutrition professionals from around the world (e.g. Travel Grants for early career nutrition scientists from developing countries to attend NUTRITION 2024).

A Message of Thanks From ASN Member
Alessandra Sommer

Recipient of the 2023 Undergraduate Diversity Research Fellowship. 

Donate Now

Join the ASN Foundation in sustaining ongoing programs to support the growth of underrepresented groups and ensure appropriate representation across ASN.

Your financial contribution will generate new opportunities and pathways of success for underrepresented groups by:

  • Encouraging research on nutrition health disparities;
  • Recruiting and increasing underrepresented group membership and participation within ASN and its volunteer leadership structure;
  • Developing opportunities for research advancement and growth in professional practices;
  • Establishing scholarships, grants, and subsidies to support educational opportunities;
  • and more!
Join the Effort by Becoming a Donor

Diversity is the fundamental strength of our professional society.

Varied voices and backgrounds are integral to the future of ASN and the field of nutrition.

According to the National Science Foundation, women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minority groups, which include African Americans (or Blacks), American Indians and Alaska Natives, Hispanics (or Latinos), Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders are underrepresented at many career stages in health-related sciences on a national basis.1   

Donate Now

Thank you to our Founding Donors

Every contribution makes an impact toward the success of underrepresented groups in the field of nutrition.

Leadership Circle – $10,000+

Johanna Dwyer

Council for Responsible Nutrition

General Mills Bell Institute of Health & Nutrition

Pacesetter – $5,000+

Catherine W. and Dr. Frank Greer Family Foundation

Catherine Woteki

Yvonne Maddox/TA Thornton Foundation

Patron – $2,500+

John Courtney

Simin Meydani

President’s Circle – $1,000+

Paul Coates

Elizabeth Mayer-Davis

Michael McBurney

Naima Moustaid-Moussa

Marian Neuhouser

Robert Russell

Harold Sandstead

April Stull

Gold Founder – $500+

Jamy Ard

Sharon Donovan

Michele Forman

Suzanne Hendrich

Beate Lloyd

David Seres

Douglas Taren

Andrea Wong

Silver Founder – $250+

Lindsay Allen

Sarah Ash

Stephanie Atkinson

Kathryn Dewey

Keith Dillon

Ilene Fennoy

Dante Preciado

Kathleen Rasmussen

Gwen Twillman

Bronze Founder – $150+

Mary Camire

David Klurfeld

Felicia Price

Barbara A Lohse

Founder – $100+

Cora Best

Adrianne Bendich

Andrew Brown

Mary Pat Cornett

Sheila Fleischhacker

Janet Grommet

Van Hubbard

Mark Kern

Phil Lofgren

Sabrina Martinez

Haile Mehansho

Indra Mehrotra

Dawna Mughal

Nada Porter

Nancy Rawson

Barbara Schneeman

Joanna Skinner

Marta Van Loan

Sonia Vega-Lopez

Connie Weaver

Ally – $50+

Regan Bailey

Albert Barrocas

Shirley Blakely

Robert Carter

Amy Gavin

Cynthia Klobodu

Harriet Kuhnlein

Sarah McCormack

Nana Gletsu-Miller

Purnima Menon

Habiba Nur

Diane O’Brien

Sumira Phatak

Ryan Singh

Marta Van Loan

Additional Donors – Up to $50

Elizabeth Adams

Roberta Anding

Martha Belury

Lauren Dougherty

Lorena Drago

Caitlin French

Caroline Hamatake

Shirin Hooshmand

Nancy Howarth

Sel Hwahng

Rachel Gilbert

Elizabeth Katzman

Laryssa Kaufman

Kristie Lancaster

Emily Lanighan

Roni Neff

Stephanie Sinnett

Maret Traber

Lynn Westine


1National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. 2019. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2019. Special Report NSF 19-304. Alexandria, VA. Available at

ASN cannot provide legal or financial advice; you should always consult your attorney and/or financial advisor when necessary. Information provided on this website is not meant as tax or legal advice. 

If you have any questions please contact Dante Preciado