Sponsored by Research Diets, Inc., this new award will recognize outstanding nutrition research that applies animal models and experimental diets

In his opening editorialThe Journal of Nutrition’s Editor-in-Chief Xingen Lei, PhD expressed his commitment to publishing high-quality animal and basic nutrition research. To encourage new submissions and recognize outstanding science, the Catharine Ross Award in Experimental Nutrition is being established.

This award honors Catharine Ross, PhD for her outstanding leadership as Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Nutrition from 2004 to 2013 and for her excellent contribution to experimental nutrition research and education as a leading nutrition scientist and educator. Dr. Ross currently serves as Professor in the Department of Nutrition at Texas A&M University after a fruitful career at Penn State University and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA.

During her tenure as Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Ross empowered The Journal of Nutrition to publish diverse views and new perspectives from researchers from around the globe. She advocated that The Journal of Nutrition should remain the top outlet for all areas of research in which ASN members were engaged, including niche areas. 

The Journal of Nutrition’s Editorial Board is delighted to launch this new award that honors Dr. Ross’ legacy as an outstanding nutrition scientist, leader, and educator. For more than four decades, she has influenced countless experimental nutritionists, and her efforts continue to shape and innovate our field and the Journal,” stated Xingen Lei, PhD, Editor-in-Chief. 

The award will be given annually to the first author and the corresponding author of an outstanding research paper of experimental nutrition published in The Journal of Nutrition during the preceding year. The lead author will receive a $1,000 honorarium and be recognized at NUTRITION, the American Society for Nutrition’s annual scientific meeting.

Special thanks to Research Diets, Inc., whose sponsorship helped establish this prestigious new award.

“Research Diets is proud to sponsor this award as Dr. Ross’ scientific contributions in experimental nutrition research are highly recognized,” stated Michael Pellizzon, PhD, Science Director.

Eligible content
All studies that apply animal models and experimental diets and have been published in The Journal of Nutrition during the prior year will be considered.

Submit your article here.

Evaluation process
The Journal of Nutrition editorial board will identify articles within the scope of the award for the designated year. The board will review and score articles and determine an awardee by January 31 of the following year.

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Catharine Ross, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Nutrition, on Wednesday, Jun 05, 2024, in College Station, Texas. (Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife)