NUTRITION 2023, ASN’s annual flagship meeting, was held from July 22-25, 2023 in Boston, MA, with over 3,000 nutrition professionals in attendance. Now, recorded sessions can be viewed on demand, at any time and from anywhere, through ASN’s new online learning platform, DiscoverNUTRITION.

Get the latest on topics such as:

  • Food as Medicine
  • Ultra-Processed Foods: Current Challenges and Future Directions
  • Nutrition and the Aging Brain
  • Nourishing the Future: How Early Taste and Food Exposures Shape Diet and Health in Later Life
  • Prioritizing Nutrition Worldwide: Learning from Exemplar Countries
  • Behind the Scenes @ Nutrition for Precision Health
  • and many more!

For a complete list of all NUTRITION 2023 content available, click here! Content includes scientific symposia, award lectures, special events, and sponsored satellite programs. Current and timely, these activities deliver high-quality, research-driven content covering interdisciplinary topics in nutrition.  

DiscoverNUTRITION is your year-round resource for gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to advance your career. 

While some content is available at no cost, fees may apply for courses. For courses with a fee, ASN members receive a 50% discount as a member benefit. Learn how you can join ASN to take advantage of discounts here.