Regulatory Comments


ASN Comments to CMS on Global Malnutrition Composite Score Expansion to Include All Adults 18+


ASN Comments on USDA Public Access Implementation Plan

ASN Comments to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

ASN Oral Comments to the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

ASN Comments to the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on Draft Systematic Review Protocols

ASN Comments to NIH RFI on Food is Medicine Research Opportunities

ASN Comments to FDA on Dietary Guidance Statements in Food Labeling

ASN Comments to USDA regarding Child Nutrition Program Revisions

ASN Comments Regarding NIH Public Access Plan

ASN Comments to NIH Regarding Postdoctoral Research Training and Career Progression

ASN Comments to FDA regarding Investigational New Drug Application Exemptions

ASN-led Sign-On Letter to FDA regarding IND Application Exemptions

ASN Comments to USDA on Proposed Updates to the WIC Food Packages

ASN Comments to FDA on Proposed Definition of Healthy


ASN Letter on Proposed Scientific Questions for the 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

ASN Input to USDA NIFA on REE Priorities


ASN Comments to USDA on WIC Modernization

ASN Comments to USDA on Supply Chains for the Production of Agricultural Commodities and Food Products

ASN Comments to WHO on Total Fat Guideline

ASN Comments to NIH on Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


ASN Comments to NIH on ONR Transfer

ASN Comments to NIH on Precision Nutrition Initiative Challenges and Opportunities

ASN Comments to USDA on Agricultural Innovation

ASN Oral Testimony on the 2020 Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

ASN Comments on the 2020 Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

ASN Comments to OSTP on Public Access to Peer Reviewed Scholarly Publications, March 25, 2020

ASN Oral Comments to 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, January 24, 2020


ASN Remarks at Geroscience Summit III, November 5, 2019

ASN Written Comments to HHS and USDA Leadership on 2020 Dietary Guidelines Process, October 28, 2019

ASN Written Comments to 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, October 15, 2019

ASN Comments to FDA on Responsible Innovation in Dietary Supplements, July 12 2019

Oral Comments to 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, July 11, 2019

ASN Comments on Scientific Data and Information About Products Containing Cannabis or Cannabis-Derived Compounds, July 9, 2019

ASN Comments to USDA on REE_Priorities, February 15, 2019


ASN Comments to NIH on Draft Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research, December 14, 2018

ASN Written Comments to FDA on FDA Nutrition Innovation Strategy, September 17, 2018

Oral Comments to FDA on FDA Nutrition Innovation Strategy, July 26, 2018

Oral comments to National Academies Committee to Review DRIs for Sodium and Potassium, March 7, 2018

ASN Comments to USDA and HHS on 2020 Dietary Guidelines Topics and Scientific Questions, March 30, 2018

ASN Comments During FNB Workshop on Special Nutritional Requirements_in Disease States, April 3, 2018


Oral Comments to USDA on 2020 Dietary Guidelines Process, November 28, 2017

Oral Comments to USDA NIFA on Research Priorities and Opportunities, November 8, 2017

Comments to FDA on Use of the Term Healthy in the Labeling of Human Food Products, April 17, 2017

Oral Comments to NASEM on Dietary Guidelines Process, January 10, 2017


Comments to FDA on Use of the Term “Natural”, May 6, 2016

Oral Comments to USDA on Dietary Guidelines Process, February 19, 2016

Comments to USDA on Public Access Policy, January 6, 2016


Comments to FDA on the Nutrition Facts Label Revision, October 9, 2015

Comments on Dietary Guidelines Committee Final Report, May 7, 2015


ASN Response to the Nutrition Facts Label Revision  Proposed Rule, July 25, 2014

Oral Comments to FDA on the Nutrition Facts Label Revision  Proposed Rule, June 26, 2014

Comments to FDA on Investigational New Drug Applications (IND)Guidance for Clinical   Investigators,  Sponsors, and IRBs, April 6, 2014

Oral testimony to 2015 Dietary  Guidelines Advisory Committee; January 2014


Sign-on Letter to FDA on Guidance for Clinical  Investigators,  Sponsors, and IRBs: Investigational New Drug  Applications (INDs),  November 26, 2013

Comments to USDA FNS on Proposed Nutrition Standards for  Competitive Foods Sold in Schools, April 2013

Comments on Proposed Repeal of England’s mandatory wheat flour fortification as part of the “Red Tape Challenge,” February 2013


USDA NIFA for development of FY 2013 Agriculture and Food Research Initative pprogram solicitations March 12, 2012

Oral comments to PCAST in support of USDA agricultural research March 9, 2012


Comments to OSTP on Public Access to Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Publications Resulting from Federally Funded Research December 19, 2011

Comments on Interagency Working Group on Foods Marketed to Children’s Nutrition Principles July 13, 2011

Comments to OGE on Government employee participation in non-profit organizations July 5, 2011

Comments to FDA on Proposed Restaurant Menu Labeling June 15, 2011


Comments to FDA on Implementation of Menu Labeling Sept. 3, 2010

Comments on Dietary Guidelines Committee Final Report, July 8, 2010

Comments to President’s Task Force on Childhood Obesity, March 26, 2010

Comments to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, February 2, 2010

Comments to OSTP on public access, Jan. 21, 2010