Conversations about nutrition and health are now common in the media and in the lives of many consumers, as they become increasingly aware of and interested in the health benefits of certain foods and food components. However, not everyone understands how to evaluate the nutrition information they come across to determine which information is fact versus fiction. To help the public better understand and evaluate hot topics in nutrition science, the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) launched a video competition in 2018, Understanding Nutritional Science, inviting student and early-career members to submit short videos to illustrate nutrition fact versus fiction.

ASN is pleased to now announce the winning entry! Samuel Walker, Angela Tacinelli, and Aubree Worden Hawley, all graduate students at the University of Arkansas Department of Food Science, created the first-place video, “#Facts vs. Fiction”. You can view the video online here!

The under two-minute video encourages viewers to scientifically evaluate nutrition information and provides tips to help consumers determine if nutrition-related news is fact or fiction. Some of those tips include: Read beyond the title of a nutrition-related article, and make sure there are valid references; Trust nutrition information from licensed professionals, and Consider the domain where information is coming from, such as .edu or .gov. The winning students all received free registration to attend Nutrition 2018. Make plans to meet them during Nutrition 2018 and view their winning video in ASN Live! on Saturday, June 9th at 7:30PM.