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Abstracts at Nutrition 2022 Live Online

Thank you for submitting your abstracts for presentation at NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE!

NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE, ASN’s flagship meeting, will feature original research in the form of abstracts for a poster or oral presentation. Abstracts are a vital part of the meeting, which showcases the latest and best science that advances our understanding of nutrition and its application.   Over 1,300 abstracts were presented at NUTRITION 2021 LIVE ONLINE!

The sessions were informative and I liked the variety in presentation – oral, poster, on-demand video and small discussion groups…

Rie Sadohara, PhD, Student at Michigan State University

Abstract Presentations

At NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE, abstract presentations offer attendees the ideal opportunity to present their own research and learn more about their peers’ science.

Abstracts will be presented in two ways:

Oral Presentations:

Virtual oral presentations will feature outstanding research representing the abstract topical areas. Oral sessions will be programmed to include abstracts organized around a common theme. Virtual oral presentations will include the abstract text and the opportunity for presenting authors to discuss their work with attendees through questions and answers. Presenting authors will deliver oral presentations using Power Point slides and audio recorded to accompany each slide.

Poster Presentations:

Virtual poster presentations throughout the meeting. Poster presentations offer attendees the ideal opportunity to present their own research. Virtual poster presentations will include the abstract text and the opportunity for presenting authors to discuss their work with attendees through online questions and answers. ePosters (PDF) can be uploaded and audio recorded to enhance each poster presentation.

Presenting authors can opt to have their abstract considered for oral presentation, however, selection is not guaranteed. Accepted abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be programmed as virtual poster presentations.

Abstract Key Dates

November 2021Abstract Submission Opened
February 14, 2022 Abstract Submission Deadline* 
March 14, 2022Abstract Acceptance Notifications Sent
April 11, 2022Abstract Programming Assignments Sent

*Includes Application Deadline for Abstract-Based Award Competitions and Abstract Recognition Programs for Students and Early Career Investigators

Topical Areas

NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE abstract presentations will include the following topical areas:

Aging and Chronic Disease

Carotenoids and Retinoids

Climate/Environment, Agriculture and Food Supply

Community and Public Health Nutrition

COVID-19 and Nutrition

Diet and Cancer

Dietary Bioactive Components

Dietary Patterns

Eating Frequency and Chrononutrition

Education and Teaching

Energy and Macronutrient Metabolism

Experimental Animal Nutrition

Food Choice, Markets and Policy

Food Science and Nutrition (includes food composition, formulation and processing)

Global Nutrition

Maternal, Perinatal and Pediatric Nutrition

Medical Nutrition/Case Study Vignettes

Neuroscience/Nutrition and the Brain

Nutrition Education and Behavioral Science

Nutrition Translation and Communications

Nutritional Epidemiology

Nutritional Immunology and Inflammation/Immunometabolism

Nutritional Microbiology/Microbiome


Policies and Regulations

Precision Nutrition/Nutrient-Gene Interactions

Sports Nutrition and Physical Activity

Vitamins and Minerals




Submission Guidelines and Instructions

Click here to access the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE Abstract Submission website.

Click here for more information about abstract submission, guidelines, and instructions.

Click here for a PDF of the abstract submission guidelines and instructions.

Presentation Guidelines and Instructions

Abstracts will be presented in two ways at NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE:
• Oral Presentations
• Poster Presentations

Review the following guidelines and instructions to ensure a successful presentation.

Click here for a PDF of the abstract presentation guidelines.

Questions? Please contact

Presenter Guidelines

Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author to present it if accepted. Failure to present at the meeting, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts for ASN conferences.

  • Meeting Registration: Presenting authors are required to register for NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE. To register, please click here. Please note that the early registration deadline is May 3, 2022.  Register by May 3rd to confirm the lowest available registration rate.
  • Change of Presenting Author: If you are unable to attend NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE to present your research, you may recruit a co-author who is listed on the abstract at the time of submission. You must inform ASN of any such change. Please email with the abstract’s presentation number, title and the name and contact information (organization, email address, and mailing address) of the new presenting author. In the subject line, please include “Change of Presenting Author.”

Information and data included in abstracts accepted for NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE are embargoed until the beginning of the meeting (Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 12:00 PM ET). Presenting authors will be notified if the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE communications staff decides to release an abstract earlier to support additional media promotion.

An embargo means that information and data from any abstract selected for poster or oral presentation may not be announced, publicized or distributed before the embargo date and time. Members of the media, bloggers, investigators and public information officers as well as organizations issuing press releases are required to abide by the embargo policy.

Promotion of general topics, speakers or presentation times is allowed and encouraged as long as specific findings and data to be presented are not included in the announcement. Use the hashtag #NutritionLiveOnline to join the online conversation.

If you have questions about the embargo policy, please contact the communications team at

Abstracts accepted for presentation at NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE will be published online in the ASN journal Current Developments in Nutrition. While accepted abstracts will be published in Current Developments in Nutrition, accepted abstracts will be indexed in PubMed Central but PubMed is not expected to index the abstract.

If the accepted abstract is also submitted as a manuscript for publication, authors are responsible for coordinating a publication date that abides by NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE’s embargo policy. If publication occurs online or in print before the specific embargo date and time, the abstract must be withdrawn. Please notify ASN via e-mail at

Please review the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE Photography and Recording Policy fully prior to finalizing your presentation.  To view online, please click here.

As a presenting author, please include one of the icons below on each of your Power Point slides to indicate your preference regarding potential photography/recording of your presentation by others. To download these icons, use the links below. Or, right click on the icon and select the option to “save image as” to save it to your computer.

PLEASE NOTE: ASN recommends one of the icons below be included on the bottom right of each Power Point slide for oral presentations.


Click here to download icon

Click here to download icon


By Late April Session titles and presentation information (abstract titles and abstract authors) will be posted on the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE schedule.


May 3 NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE Early Rate Deadline. Register by May 3rd to confirm the lowest available registration rate.
May 9 Abstract presenter portal website opens for presenting authors. Instructions will be sent to presenting authors by email on May 9.


Presenting authors will be asked to:

1.       Complete the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE speaker agreement

2.       Provide disclosure information

3.       Provide their oral presentation content – Presenting authors will upload Power Point slides and record audio for each slide in the system. Self-recordings will not be allowed to be uploaded. Please note video recording of the presenting author speaking will not be included.

Please note: Presenters will not be granted permission to login to the abstract presenter portal until they have registered for the meeting. We encourage you to register for NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE before May 9 to provide you with the maximum time available to upload your abstract presentation materials. Click here for registration information.

June 10 Deadline to submit presentation content on abstract presenter portal website
June 14-16 Abstract presentations and complete abstract text will be available on the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE meeting platform. Presenting authors can reply to questions submitted by attendees via the abstract presenter portal website.

Guidelines for Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will be available as On Demand presentations on the meeting platform beginning on Tuesday, June 14. Oral presentations will be included in oral sessions organized around a common theme. A maximum of 7 abstracts will be included in each oral session.

Oral presentations will include Power Point slides and accompanying audio. The maximum audio length is 12 minutes.

From June 14-16, meeting attendees will be able to submit questions about your abstract through an online Question and Answer system. Presenting authors can then reply to submitted questions through ASN’s abstract presenter portal website at their convenience. More details about the Question and Answer system will be provided in late May.


Please allocate 12 minutes for your presentation. During your presentation, you should review the background/aim of your study, methods, results and conclusions, as well as any other information of interest (e.g., future research direction).


The slides listed below should be included in your presentation slides.

Template slides for NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE are available for presenting authors’ use. All speakers are encouraged to use the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE template slides for their presentation.

Click here to download the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE template slides.

  1. Title Slide: Please include your abstract presentation number on your title slide.
  2. Disclosure/Non-Disclosure Slide: After your title slide, all speakers must include a disclosure slide to list study funding sources and relevant personal financial relationships with commercial entities. If you have no funding sources or relationships to disclose, your slide should read “no conflicts to disclose.” The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent a presenter from being involved in the activity, but rather to provide participants with information on which they can make their own judgements.
  3. Content Slides: Up to 10 content slides is optimal. You may choose to use more than 10 slides, but please be sure to complete your presentation within the allocated 12 minutes.
  • Make slides as simple as possible.
  • Aim for no more than 7 lines per slide.
  • List main points and expand on them verbally.
  • Presentations are recommended to use a 16:9 aspect ratio for slides; however, screens can accommodate a 4:3 format, as well.
  • Use standard fonts, such as Arial or Helvetica.

A font size of 32 is ideal; a font size of 28 is easy to see; a font size below 20 is difficult to see on smaller screen sizes.

Guidelines for Poster Presentations

Poster presentations will be available as On Demand presentations on the meeting platform beginning on Tuesday, June 14.

Poster presentations will include an ePoster (PDF) and accompanying audio. The maximum audio length is 8 minutes.

From June 14-16, meeting attendees will be able to submit questions about your abstract through an online Question and Answer system. Presenting authors can then reply to submitted questions through ASN’s abstract presenter portal website at their convenience. More details about the Question and Answer system will be provided in late May.

ePoster (PDF) Requirements

  • The ePoster must be a PDF file at highest resolution possible.
  • The aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) should ideally be set to 16:9.
  • The ePoster is limited to one page only. That means one single page for your PDF file.
  • Fonts should be sans-serif (e.g., Arial, Calibri, etc.)
  • Minimum font size should not be smaller than 6pt.

 ePoster (PDF) Guidelines

The following guidelines will help improve the effectiveness of your ePoster:

  • The message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation.
  • Headline Strip: ePosters should include a headline strip that runs the full width of the poster. Include the title, presenting author, co-authors, and affiliations. The email address of the presenting author should also be included. Please include your abstract presentation number as part of your headline strip.
  • Initial Sketch: Plan your ePoster early. Focus your attention on a few key points that follows the main headings in your abstract typically Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
  • Rough Layout: Enlarge your best initial sketch, keeping the dimensions in proportion to the final poster. Ideally, the rough layout should be full size. A blackboard is a convenient place to work. Print the title and headlines. Draw rough graphs and tables.
  • Final Layout: The artwork is now complete. The text and tables are typed. Now ask, is the message clear? Do the important points stand out? Is there a balance between words and illustrations? Is there spatial balance? Is the flow from Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions easy to follow?
  • Balance: The figures and tables should cover slightly more than 50% of the poster area. If you have only a few illustrations, make them large. Do not omit the text, but keep it brief. The poster should be understandable without oral explanation.
  • Topography: Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon. Use a consistent font throughout.
  • Eye Movement: The movement of the eye over the poster should be natural, down the columns or along the rows. Size attracts attention. Arrows, pointing hands, numbers, and letters can help clarify the sequence.
  • Simplicity: Resist the temptation to overload the poster.

The following guidelines will help improve the effectiveness of your audio presentation:

  • Give a brief summary of the work discussed in the abstract.
  • Highlight major findings and other noteworthy or interesting details.
  • Rehearse ahead of time. Think about delivery – what you will say and how you will say it.
  • Talk slow and steady. Limit your talk to the essentials only. Make sure you don’t speak fast, trying to fit everything in.

Award Competitions and Abstract Recognition Awards

Award competitions will be held and abstract recognition awards will be given to recognize outstanding abstracts at NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE. These programs include:

  • Clinical Emerging Leaders Award Competition
  • DJPJ Trainee Achievement Awards
  • Early Career Research Award Competition
  • Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Abstract Recognition Awards
  • George Bray Obesity Research Student Awards
  • Global Nutrition Early Career Scholar Award
  • Graduate Student Research Award Competition
  • Nutrition Translation Award Competition for Early Career Investigators
  • Postdoctoral Research Award Competition
  • Robert Suskind and Leslie Lewinter-Suskind Pediatric Nutrition Student Awards
  • Student Interest Group (SIG) Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
  • Young Minority Investigator Oral Competition

Click here for information about the NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE abstract-based award competitions and abstract recognition awards, eligibility details, and processes for award competitions for these programs. 


Michelle Crispino, Director of Knowledge Initiatives