Andrew Shao, PhD

Senior Vice President of Global and Regulatory Scientific Affairs

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What has had the greatest impact on your career path in nutrition?   

First was growing up in the family restaurant business. This exposed me to food sourcing, preparation, and service – and taught me how to eat healthy at an early age. Second was an undergraduate course at Brandeis University, “Diet and Health,” taught by KC Hayes. This course further reinforced for me how what we put in our bodies affects our health. It was this course that ultimately prompted me to apply to the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy graduate program. Third was my graduate experience which exposed me to the interface between nutrition science and policy. I have vivid memories of preparing recommendations for the 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and presenting them to the Lab Chiefs at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, many of the experts whose research served as the basis of the Guidelines! Incredible pressure, but an amazing experience! Fourth was my mentor at the Council for Responsible Nutrition, the late Dr. John Hathcock. His work and guidance showed me that as Industry, we can collaborate on generating and communicating science that is credible, objective, and serves the public interest (not just profits). Fifth are my many team members from different organizations over the years, to whom I am eternally grateful. Working with them and serving them helped me Find My Why