2024 Annual Business Meeting

This year’s annual business meeting promises to be our best yet, as we introduce a new opportunity for engagement and collaboration. Attendees will have the unique chance to enjoy coffee and meaningful conversations with ASN leaders.


Coffee with the ASN Leadership at NUTRITION 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024
7:00AM – 8:00AM CT
(in-person, no virtual option)


7:00 AM – Welcome Remarks from Dr. Kevin Schalinske, ASN President

7:02 AM – President’s Report

7:15 AM – Introduction to Breakout Sessions and Topics of Discussion

Topic 1: How can ASN best support mid-career professionals?
Topic 2: How can ASN expand our reach to different disciplines related to nutrition?

7:18 – 7:38 – Breakout Sessions

7:38 – Report Outs

7:58 – Closing Remarks by Dr. Sarah Booth, ASN Incoming President

2024-2025 Presidential Priorities

  1. Promote professional success and increase retention of mid-career scientists in the field of nutrition.
  2. Stimulate engagement and communication among federal agencies, the private sector, and researchers to more effectively address important knowledge gaps in nutrition.
  3. Build upon the progress and initiatives of ASN 2028, the organization’s strategic plan leading up to its centennial.

Sarah L. Booth, PhD
Incoming President

2023-2024 Presidential Priorities

  1. Develop a compelling career path option/plan directed at undergraduate students who are interested and passionate about nutrition. 
  2. Develop and implement enhanced engagement opportunities for undergraduate and graduate nutrition programs.
  3. Elevate the ASN journal portfolio 1) continuing to improve author satisfaction; 2) attracting the best new research and 3) reaching new audiences with content.
  4. Expand nutrition education and the use of ASN content through DiscoverNUTRITION, ASN’s new learning platform
  5. Expand efforts to strengthen federal nutrition research and to improve its coordination across the funding agencies, particularly within the National Institutes of Health (NIH), by actively engaging with policymakers and the agencies that support nutrition research the most to secure the strong, dedicated leadership, organizational structure, and resources necessary to propel federal nutrition research.
Kevin L. Schalinske, PhD

Kevin Schalinske, PhD
2023-2024 President